what a happy halloween we had! and most definitely busy for me. it started with a baby halloween party. all invited parents were to bring treats, so i made cookie pops and did the fun project (with the help of my brothers and father) of decorating. it was actually the first time i had decorated cookies, and i'm pretty proud of how good (visually and taste wise) they came out. the party was great, with babies and toddlers running around in their cute little costumes. billie was quiet and calm, penelope was giving us the run around until we gave up, and i enjoyed my time chit chatting and enjoying the delicious treats (i'm not sure who made that delicious guacamole verde sauce, but i cannot stop thinking about how much i wish i was snacking on it right now). on the actual day of halloween, we visited penelope and billie's cousin reese's grandfather's neighborhood. (trying saying that 3x fast. ha) this neighborhood was perfect. it was just like the movies. it reminded me of the trick or treating scene in hocus pocus. mobs of kids everywhere! flashback to when i was trick or treating in my old neighboods, i'd feel like i was the only kid (with maybe 4 others) asking for candy inthe most eerily kid empty neighborhood. it was penelope's first time and she was a little nervous. she went to only one door by herself (momma and dada very close behind) and said 'thank you' to everyone. everyone was so sweet, and the houses were fantastically decorated.. the kids only had to energy to go through two neighborhoods and it was back home, kids happily in bed, and the mommas and poppas legs up relaxing. it couldn't have been better. let's just hope thanksgiving isn't as crazy and hectic as it usually is! we'll see..