the steph life.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

they screamed for ice cream..

so i thought, 'why not?'
especially since they've been good little girls lately. well, not so much billie, but she's going through a phase. a whiney one..

penelope picked out the ice cream box from the store.
of course she wanted the one with sprinkles on it.
she's just all rainbows and sunshine, you know. oh, and lady gaga's 'poker face'... and 'candy perry's' (katy perry) 'california gurlz'..all..flippin'
i hope everyday that she forgets, but at the moment she finds me in front of the computer, the swift little bunny appears by my side, with the 'please-don't-get-angry-at-me-for-wanting-to-listen-to-the-same-two-songs-over-and-over-again' sweet little heavenly face of hers. aye.
penelope loves to sing, and i encourage it. even if i find her choice in music know.. i understand it may be a fun challenge for her. i figure she's tired herself from the same abc tunes and nursery rhymes.
though, today we did finally graduate from the two artists, and moved on to yeah yeah yeahs, and ellie goulding. yes! it only took her about 3 weeks..

billie's post ice cream, 'it's time to be bad' face.
..and she was. but it's just a phase, right??

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