the steph life.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

some foods

some foods i've made..roasted asparagus with lemon and seasonings, guacamole salsa dip with chips, panang curry with red peppers and fried tofu, pico de gallo over hard boiled eggs, then last but certainly not least, grilled chicken marinated in grape jelly, worcestershire sauce, sliced garlic and red pepper and seasonings, and the side of corn doused in butter and seasonings. yummers.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

it's chilly!

the season's officially changed here in vegas. today is actually a nippy day out. and it feels sooo good! now, i won't have to fear the lives of my children taking them to the park, because it being boiling outside. i really hate vegas summer weather. it gets so hot out, i find it hard to breath, even. now, as i step outside, it feels so amazing to take in some fresh crisp and cool air. no more roasting in vehilcles, bad heat moods, sleeping in my own sweat, sweating in general, heat headaches, and staying indoors. as for the colder weather...what's there to complain about?? aside from the obvious (being really really cold), and maybe snow if you live in that..but here, it's so nice. it just feels so clean to me. it also brings back the classical music, the halloween-christmas tunes and movies, the more fashionable clothing (i think), and the delicious oven cooked food: roasts, pies. the colder weather also bring back some of the best memories, especially of my time in london. so many good and cold memories. i love it. i'm happy.

Friday, October 21, 2011


oh dear...has it almost been a week?
i swear, i'm really trying! we've had a pretty hectic week. first off, you might see that i may never never blog during my husband's time at home. i miss him so much during the week, plus he works some crazy late hours now a days. so, as of now, until it changes, tuesdays and wednesdays, i'm closed, to play the day and night away with my little family. we did enjoy our 'weekend' though, in case you were wondering. i went and sold some clothes to buffalo exchange. i brought in clothes that i spent about $500 purchasing at brand new, and selling what they'll take (they never take everything), and getting only $35. but hey, that's better than nothing to me. better than just throwing it to goodwill. they did leave behind some good stuff of mine that goodwill will soon carry, that someone else can enjoy: a pair of 7's, pair of frankie b's, two 7 tops, miss sixty top, and other cute pieces i'm ready to part with (or grew out of ::sad face::). they didn't take them due to snags, fadedness, or because something made them feel 'iffy' about it. ?! oh well. i did also see someone working there that i knew, but i just didn't have the guts to say 'hi' to. it had been years since i'd seen that person, so figured they'd probably give me the 'creep' look if i went up and insisted that we knew eachother. it's happened before, outside of a bar, where i used to hang out at 3 nights a week. i had not been there for about a year (being pregnant) and decided one night with my girlfriend that it would be a good idea to go, for old times sake. i saw a boy (i say 'boy' because i've known this kid since the 4th grade), immediately recognized him, said hello, and he says 'heyyy. yeah, i'm good. how are you?' (with the wide-eyed 'who are you' look and smile) then i say 'very well' and then the awkward pause. i feel that when someone you haven't seen in ages, someone who may think you have forgotten them, even, would say your name somewhere around there..then i come out with the bold 'oh no! you don't remember me.' and the 'uhhh.' finally comes out of him. horrified. i was absolutely horrified. how could he not remember me? we went to the same schools since the 4th grade. after a bit more of me reminding him, he remembered. but still.. it traumatized me. and that's where we go back to the buffalo shop, and that person i had hung out with a few times, shared some laughs with. nope.. 'i'll wait till she says something first.' and nothing.. i left and neither of us said anything. maybe she was a little afraid, too? or she just plain had no idea that the girl carrying her baby in the sling was 'stephanie'. oh well. honestly, i brushed it off so quickly, i forgot all about it until i decided to share this story, as this seems to happen a little bit (not a lot). just, i would never mind if someone says 'hi' to me. even if i don't remember them, let's talk, because i'd like to remember.
anywho, sorry to have bored you! the piece up there with the cute circus print, found by yours truly at my local savers shop for $7. best find of the week! i love love love finding gems at thrift shops. i just feel so rewarded. i came, i found, i conquered. yay! and the photo uptop, is my penelope. being her silly self as usual. baby billie has been more active and spending more time awake during the day, which has made things a little bit rough for me. it's hard. trying to give equal attention to both my lovelies. of course penelope gets jealous anyways because she was used to the full attention, so i know it's a little hard on her, too. but i try. billie has been here 8 weeks, and big sissy over here has yet to warm up to her. i wonder if that's normal? they are only 16 months apart, so maybe she still doesn't quite understand? i dunno. here's hoping that it all goes well!

Monday, October 17, 2011

where's monday madness?

today would normally be 'monday madness.' monday madness consists of penelope's play date with her cousin reese, while us mamas sip on cocktails, chit chat, and catch up on the latest reality tv. we are currently glued to the 'long island meduim' show. i cry during every episode. and so does she. 
i love monday madness. all the madness we chat about, the kids going mad as they play, and sipping like we're absolutely mad mothers. today there is no monday madness, though. reese's mama was sent to do some business in los angeles. so, here i am, bummed that we won't get to vent over the stresses of the week, bummed that penelope will be missing her reese today, and most of all, bummed that the mama's won't get to enjoy some stiff yet, sweet and delicious day drinks. not too many, of course! but just enough. i should take this time to work and update my resume to begin the job hunt next month, but i absolutely loathe fixing up and re-creating my resume. having to rewrite my job history, while thinking 'how many more flippin' times am i going to be writing this same thing down on applications when the hunt begins?' the answer is a lot. then i may also need to spruce myself up on my interview skills, which i know i suck at. i can tell by the anxiety i get when i even think about it. but i have to do it. and i'll find something. and i cannot wait. not that i don't want to be a stay at home mom, for what i'm looking for, i will still be a stay at home mom, just working on the weekends. unless, i get something better, and i get to get myself a shiny new car, new clothes for the babies, my husband, and myself, a new home, decorated like the country french homes in those decor magazines! some day, far away, i hope was tomorrow.

it's monday, and i need a drink. this coffee is just not doing it.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

made out like a bandit!

my mother, billie, and i went to stop by the 'as they grow kid's consignment' sale today. as you can see, i found some gems to take home for my lovelies. i was actually surprised by how dead it was in there, as i heard horror stories of long lines, constant baby cries, and ladies overlapping eachother as they go through the racks. lucky for me, i did not see anything of that sort. i enjoyed the quiet browse around and found some really cool things. as you can see in the above photo of billie, i found her a pair of shoes (cute ones at that!) that do not come off her feet. do you have any idea, how hard it is to find shoes that do not come off an infant's feet?? very hard. well, ok. not that hard. i guess i've been looking in all the wrong places. one thing, though, that did disappoint me, was that i could not find a single piece of clothing for penelope that i really liked. it all looked too worn or stained up (i guess toddlers can get a bit dirtier than infants). so instead of finding clothes for her, i found some nice knitted blankets to replace her baby blankets she sleeps with, that way her little feet won't stick out from them being too small. so, besides not finding any vintage clothing for penelope (like i originally intended), i had a fun time buying so much for so little. you'll definitely see me at the next one. (oh except i bought those cute brown boots for penelope at target, with the extra money i saved.)

Friday, October 14, 2011

a quiet friday

grampa (my pops) wasn't around today, so it seemed like a normal monday, thursday type day (the two most routine days of the week). penny did her reading (gramma got her new books), threw around her books when she finished, and watched a couple episodes of 'dora', or as penny would say, 'duura'. she learned how to say 'chip', as she kept asking for potato chips, so, i guess it's time to switch to the healthier chips since it is currently her favorite food, at least until she learns how to say another food, hopefully healthy...are there healthier chips? billie did her norm: cooing, kicking, waving her arms around, though she spent a little more time awake during the day (good! i can maybe finally get some real sleep tonight). then when 6:30 rolled around (penny seems to always know when 6:30 comes around), it's 'bafth' (as penny would say) time. 'bafth' haha. she sounds like an english man when she says this..then it's into the shower (i find it faster and easier) she goes. i normally go in there with her, but these days, she knows what's up, and washes herself. my big girl. by 7 o'clock, they're both asleep and i get a little bit of peace and quiet. then, i have no idea, what on earth i should do...i should really be doing some work outs (so much for looking my best by halloween), or i could make myself some coffee, as that is all that we currently have to enjoy as a beverage (i wish it was beer). i could pick up around my room a little (nahhh), but i think i'll just turn on some netflix, find a cheesy chick flick, and wait to get the 'i'm on my way home' call from my husband, and ask him to 'pick me up a beer, please!' a nice unwind after such a normal, no bad, no good, pretty boring day.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

my lovelies


she is the big sister. she has quite the personality! i'd say she's emotional and can be dramatic, but she is overall a very happy little girl. she loves the outdoors, following me around when she feels like going somewhere saying 'bye-bye?' funny girl! she is a reader, re-reading her books a million times over, leaving her toy box abandoned (unless she suspects a book hiding in there). she does love only one toy. a stuffed kitty toy called douglas. douglas is her favorite, her best friend. she shares everything with him; food, play time, nap and bed times. she especially loves when douglas reads with her. she is just a bundle of love. she loves so much on her favorite people, it amazes me how this little thing can express so much love to others! she also acts especially spoiled around them. (i notice a difference in the way she talks or whines to them.) ha! and one thing i really love about her is how funny she is. she makes me laugh everyday. she is the funniest little girl with her silliness, going about the house, saying silly things, singing silly songs. i love her silliness, getting sillier everyday.


she is the little baby sister. she is new to world and ready to explore it. i haven't checked in with the whole 'milestones' with this one because she is always ahead of herself! right when she was born, she was already lifting and bobbing her head, looking around. at 5 weeks, she rolled over from tummy to side, and at 6 weeks, i caught her doing a push up! it's not like she does this everyday, but seeing her doing those things made me realize how quickly time flies. i felt, with penelope, i watched closely and saw her go through the milestones, but with billie, i get so busy around the house or handling penelope, i almost miss the moment! it's a tough reality, but time flies so much faster with kids. i wish there was more time in a day to really sit and enjoy a moment. i mean it does happen sometimes, but most times, it goes so fast, i can barely grasp a mental picture of the moment and hope to remember forever. which is why i hope i can keep typing these memories down faithfully, taking real photos, to have this to go back to, and really remember forever.

hi. i'm stephanie

i'm a 24 year old girl, born and raised in las vegas. i currently live in a tiny little house with my husband, in a so-so neighborhood that i actually grew up in, moving in with my family in '93. funny thing is, my husband also grew up just a block away. we did not meet until july 2008, at the soccer park, at his soccer game, in that same neighborhood. life is funny. for some reason my husband and i were not meant to meet, all the time living in the same neighborhood, until that day in july. as much as i wish we had met much earlier (wishing i was his one and only ever girlfriend), i'm glad we met when we did. we fell in love, shared our life together, and had two of the lovliest little girls you could ever meet! i can't ask for anything better. even though i told myself i was not ever going to get married, or have children, it all changed when i met him. life sure is funny!

now here's to blogging!