the steph life.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

ahh. november.

ahh. finally the crisp cool air has arrived and its stayin' for good. at least until february? in vegas..which feels like it is already around the corner..ugh! i want to move. to where there are all the four magical seasons. not two. one day, i very much hope. 

check out this photo of my niece, reese, i edited to look like she's skating:
..bam! haha. it's pretty terrible, but all done with free iphone apps (because those are the only ones i get.) *PicCollage iphone app, and instagram.

and here are my sweet baby angels. billie is really into books now, looking all cute in her pig tails!
..and penelope looking all big now :( she was just a baby to me a year ago. whaa happen??

 and lastly, my current read. i'm really enjoying this one:


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

some stuff since august part II

before i go on, today is voting day!
...very proud i did.

now, continuing on from where i left off.
we get back from lovely la, back to our hectic lives.
missed the kids terribly.

..i got my craft on:
..ended up wiping it clean and selling the plates to a local tattoo artist who loved the original design. as you can see, they were very, very pretty.

met up with some buddies at our local orchard.
..we were originally there to pick up pumpkins. it was vegas, so we were dying from the heat in the first hour. we didn't make it to the pumpkins. 

got some girl time in with erin at the renaissance fair. was my first time and i loved it. the stuff they sell there is awesome! and i had fun with all the game of thrones talk. even though erin and i were the only vikings there. whoops.

..attended a couple birthday parties..
 penelope loves nothing more than a good party. even today, she asks when the next party is.
'party, today?!'

..catching up on some reading..
..zombie reading.

a lovely visit with nature.
*calico basin.

a wishful visit to space.

a look at love.
..he is the best father.

a new wedding experience.
 loved that we all wore these amazing dresses!

a trip to pumpkin patch. it was a little bit of a drive for us, but it was very much worth it.
 we finally got our pumpkin.


 we attended a couple parties. knowing that matt had to work halloween, we also celebrated early. we took the kids to the springs preserve to trick or treat the saturday before halloween. it was funn!

and of course, a couple favorite shows of the season!


Monday, November 5, 2012

some stuff since august! part I

a lot of stuff since august. been very, very busy. i literally exhausted myself to the hospital! but not really. i was in the hospital for 6 hours the other night of sciatica.. man, the pain that came with that.. ..was terribly annoying. i'm fine now, though! feeling great actually..

first: is there anyone out there who has not seen this film? if not, take time to do so! so good. very inspiring. looovee it, though it is more likely that i will not enjoy mr. jiro's sushi in his life time (he's about 85? now). 

..a couple days after billie babe's first birthday, my loverkins, an awesome friend, and i road tripped our way out to la for some 'us' time. it was much wanted and needed. every single second of our time out there was amazingly fun!

i was having fun with an app here. my face was terrible, so i replaced it with an even more horrific face, hahaa. makes me laugh. (sorry for the bad quality. not sure why the app did that. it's been fixed since then. the bad quality seemed to erase my stretch marks anyway, hehe.) *ragebooth iPhone app

..the beach was warm, the water was perfect. was even tossed about by a wave too big for me. got slightly terrified when i wasn't sure which way was up or down, but i naturally floated up and found myself to barely catch a breath, before i was to be submerged by yet another wave. i survived. 
enjoyed an amazing (the best) fish taco at señor fish, attended a little bbq, and of course spent the rest of the weekend enjoying the amazing bands at fyf. it was all perfect.